
Minggu, 25 April 2010

Tour the Pesisir Selatan

Pesisir Selatan is part of the West Sumatra’s Province.. the unique from Pesisir Selatan we can see sea in left and right us.. so, if we see to left we’ll see the sea and if wee see to right we’ll see sea too.. Pesisir Selatan is the place what have awesome beach, still natural.. many a beatiful beach n’ having one awesome hills.. I’ll see to you awesome place from Pesisir Selatan and they are :

• Bukit langkisau “Langkisau Hill”
Bukit Langkisau Painan, Objek Wisata Andalan Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat. Bukit Langkisau combination beetween natural’s tourism, maritim’s tourism, and sky’s tourism. Althougt in the beach, this hill rather higher almost 214 meter from the covered of sea. The interasting of adventure for tourist who like natural’s bahari. This located exactly in center of Painan’s city. If, we sit in the langkisau hill we can see the best moment in Painan’s city, the whiet’s sand covered Pantai carocok, Pantai Salido, the small’s islands in Samudra Hindia. The good time for visit this hill is early evening when sunset and the covered of sea will splendid the light of sunset and awesome..
The people having hobby to sport can try Paralayang’s sport.. many tutors for this sport so we just a braveness for do it. After, we fly like a bird we can choose the place for landing. We want landing in Painan’s city or the white’s sand covered Salido’s beach.

Langkisau’s hill.. Its good views, is it right??

Langkisau’s hill area..

Sunset from Langkisau’s hill...

The way go to Langkisau’s hill

• Pantai carocok “Carocok’s beach”
Pantai carocok near from Bukit Langkisau. The unique of Carocok’s beach is bridge in the beach and the wite’s sand covered beach.. Carocok’s Beach can we see from Langkisau’s hilss..

 The bridge in the beach..

• Pantai Taratak “Taratak’s beach” or Pantai Nyiur Melambai

Pantai Nyiur Melambai

The beach covered by white’s sand in place area Taratak’s hill, part of Pesisir Selatan and from Padang almost 100 km. This beach almost don’t have corals and the wind is faster because this beach free beach front of Indian ocean without island in front of the beach. In this beach we’ll find waterfall. This waterfall used to bath after swim in the beach. The place moment we visit this beach early evening when sunset..

I think this beach almost same with Kuta’s beach in Bali.. So, for tourist must visited this place because very beautiful and still natural..

• Pantai teluk tempurung “Teluk tempurung’s beach”
Pantai Teluk Tempurung in place Batang Kapas “ you know what Batang Kapas my father’s village”. Bay of tempurung covered by white’s sand and mouth of the river Batang Kapas. Small’s Island what grow of coconut’s trees its so beautiful for refreshing from our work, or study, etc.

Pantai Teluk Tempurung from far..

Small island in Pantai Teluk Tempurung..

White’s sand covered Pantai Teuk Tempurung..

How to get there?? Its easy ways, we can go there using bus, rent car, motorcycle.. Pesisir Selatan almost 100 km from padang.. If, we are using bus just need pay Rp 20.000.. But, if using bus its hard to arround Pesisir Selatan so better using the individual’s car or rent car or motorcycle.. We can rent a car just need cost as Rp 350.000.. We’ll satiesfied arround Pesisir Selatan all the day..
So, guys enjoy in Pesisir selatan!!! Okokok..

Tour The Sawahlunto/Sijunjung or Tour De Swiss

Sijunjung n’ Sawahlunto are part of the West Sumatra’s Province. In there many beautiful place can we visited. One of important this place still natural n’ the culture of the both place the real minangkabau’s culture.
So, what interasting place in there. Let’s check list place in Sawahlunto dan Sijunjung and they are :
·        Silokek
Welcome in Silokek!!!
Silokek in a place of Sijunjung... You know what Sijunjung is my village where is my born, I spent my teenager, and the place I staying with my big family.

In here, we can see hill, river covered with withe’s sand, water fall, climbing’s areas, etc.. and you know what its one of unique from Silokek with white’s sand covered river.. Usually we just see the beach covered with white’s sand.

The picture welcome for the tourist...

The river beetween 2 hills, our eyes will satiesfied see a beautiful views..

All the way we go to Silokek, we just see the hills.. and you know what Silokek identical with hills.. Silokek almost same with Harau in Payakumbuh. You can see in this picture!!! Okokok...

In Silokek, we’ll find waterfall.. But, if we want go to waterfall we have to climbing the hill arround 2 km.. All the way, we find forest, tree, etc.. This, waterfall not too big like waterfall in Lembah Anai but I think this waterfall is awesome..

·         Gudang Ransum
Gudang ransum in place of Sawahlunto.. Sawahlunto’s city is Tourism’s city with care of the culture.. Sawalunto, the people said too “iron wok” and you know why?? Because this city if we see from upstairs same like “iron wok”. Then, Sawalunto’s city I think like Europe because this city many old building from Belanda’s colonize..

 This picture show to us Galery of Sawahlunto’s city..

 The city of Sawahlunto like “iron wok”.. This, pictute took from Hospital..

Belanda’s Building in Sawahlunto..

Gudang ransum, this place like museum or maybe museum but the peoples from here said with gudang ransum “ransum’s warehouse”..  for, clearlier you can see this picture!!

Gudang Ransum with the big iron wok..

Gudang Ransum like station or airport maybe..

·         Lubang mbah suro
Lubang mbah Suro in place of Sawahlunto.. This place almost the same with Lubang Jepang in Bukittinggi.. Lubang mbah suro is artifial diamond.. the wide of Lubang Suro almost 2 meter and have high 2 meter too. For go to Lubang Suro we must to pay.. and ticket cost as a Rp 7.500.. when, we finished arround it we’ll arrived in the accross of way..

This, picture of Lubang Suro...

·         Museum Kereta potong
Museum kereta potong in place Sawahlunto.. Sawahlunto’s station dazled be Museum kereta potong sawahlunto. In this museum display train’s equipments in ago since jaman Colonial Belanda like railway coach n’ train’s lokomotif, etc. You can see this picture!!

Museum kereta potong..

Railway coach since Jaman kolonial Belanda..

How to get there??
Sawahlunto and Sijunjung from padang almost 114 km.. We can using bus and the cost with bus as Rp 20.000, but more interasting if we rent a car because we’ll satiesfied arround both.. We can rent a car as Rp 350.0000.. for lunch maybe we can eat in my house.. and you know what my mom very capable for cooking.. all the ways we’ll passed away Solok, Sawahlunto, and Sijunjung..

Rabu, 14 April 2010

The ways of learning english

according many peoples in Indonesia said difficult..
But, I think its easy if we just try learning the english n' always practic everyday, everytime..

So, guys if u wanna learning english u just having braveness voo learning english...
example me, I m not master an english, but I always learning step by step to increase my english... Many ways for learn english :
  1. join english club or if need much money u can make a discusion group with ur friend n' untuk jadi tutornya bisa manfaatkan the people having good ability in english like ur friend, ur senior, etc..
  2. action maksudnya u must practice ur english like speaking
  3. cari teman2 bule juga bisa meningkatkan kemampuna bahasa inggris kamu secara tajam..
  4. cari teman2 yg memungkinkan kamu bisa maningkatkan bahasa inggris kamu.. biasanya teman2 ini yg having the same dream with u.. sama2 ingin bisa berbahasa inggris..
  5. make a note like diary using english..
  6. send message with ur friend using english too..
  7. be a tutor for ur sister, ur nephew.. yach walaupun kita ng pandai2 amat..
  8. Just following International event!! In here u can practic ur english with bule 
  9. one of important NEVER GIVE UP!!! okokok...
Many waysto get good ability in english.. But, we just be dreamer having good abiliy in english..
so, begin now lets go increase our english . Tidak hanya dg bermimpi tp kita harus menanamkan kuat2 niat2 kita untu mempelajari bahasa inggris..